Whale Watching Tours

San Diego is one of the best locations to catch the annual migration of gray whales as they make their way from the cold waters of the Arctic to the warm waters of Baja to birth their calves. Prime viewing months for Whale Watching Tours are late December-early March.

Contact number: (619) 234-4111

Location: 1050 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101

Learn more here.


Put on a wetsuit and wade into a tropical lagoon, or chilly arctic waters, to swim and interact with friendly dolphins or magnificent white beluga whales at one of Sea World’s fascinating Animal Interaction Programs. These unforgettable, eye-to-eye encounters will leave you and your grandchildren spellbound. It’s an exclusive, behind-the-scenes opportunity that allows you to feed, feel and give training signals to these intelligent creatures while gaining an appreciation for their protection.

Contact number:

(800) 257-4268

“500 Sea World Drive
San Diego, CA 92109”
Learn more here.