South Street Seaport Museum

Before the skyscrapers, the stock exchange, and discount department stores, downtown New York was once the country’s biggest shipping harbor and leading port, the same “battery” Ishmael briefly described in Moby Dick. As with most big industry, the shipping is now done in New Jersey, but the South Street Seaport Museum preserves this major part of nascent New York. The giant antique ships in the dock, assorted galleries, and colonial buildings take you inside the golden age of sail and steam. You can browse the historical maritime objects for hours while your children excitedly barrage you with questions about the authentic scrimshaw, ship plans, paintings, maps, toys, and signal flags. You might want to brush up on your Patrick O’Brien novels, or at least rent “Master and Commander” for an educated edge.

Contact no: (212) 748-8600

Location: 207 Front Street, New York, NY 10038

Learn more here.