Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

Who would have thought there is a federally protected wildlife preserve within New York’s city limits? The Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge has plenty of trails that allow hikers to spot snakes, turtles, butterflies and migratory birds including, most famously, the great blue heron and the ebony iris. A stroll through here would be ideal for a city kid who doesn’t get the chance to see actually living trees very often. Once you’re through with your nature walk, the surrounding area of Jamaica Bay hosts tons of different beach activities such as canoeing and sand castle contests in addition to more general sun-basking merriment. Any history buff should check out the surrounding military forts that were built during World War II, as well as the state’s first municipal airport.

Contact no: (718) 318-4340

Location: Gateway National Recreation Area, New York, NY 11414

Learn more here.