The National Aviary offers nearly twenty educational forums for both children and adults, including the programs “Beginning Bird Watching,” “Junior Naturalist,” and the award-winning “Little Bird Festivals” for pre-schoolers. Recently, Adult Education programs have begun, and have featured talks on “Parrots” and “Birds of the Bible.”In addition to its educational programs, the National Aviary is actively involved in conservation programs, such as the Species Survival Plan. The National Aviary participates in the preservation of many species of birds, including Bali Mynahs, Pink Pigeons, and Red Crowned Cranes. Scientific research at the National Aviary includes “footedness” studies and Parrot Neurology, Enzymatic aging of birds, andbreeding and rearing strategies for endangered species.
Contact number: (412) 323-7235
Location: Allegheny Commons West, Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5248
Learn more here.